The philosophy of DIETALINEA® is to provide well-being through natural products, offering effective and safe solutions that aim to fully satisfy the needs of consumers.

Berberina 600 FatSlim

Integratore alimentare a base di Berberis e CaffShock con Coleus, BioPerine, Aloe e Cromo.

●    diminuisce l’assorbimento del glucosio
●    controllo della glicemia
●    migliora la digestione
●    favorisce il transito intestinale
●    depura l’organismo
●    riduce il grasso corporeo
●    equilibrio del peso corporeo

1 mese di trattamento - 60 compresse

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Adipesina Plus REDUX FAT

Adipesina Plus Redux Fat is a food supplement with innovative LIQUID® CONVERTER technology that “captures” fats and sugars and limits their absorption.

It works by interacting on the modulation of macronutrient absorption at intestinal level, on the sense of hunger, on metabolic stimulation and on glycemic control.

Adipesina Plus Redux Fat is a food supplement in tablets that is gluten-free and naturally lactose-free.

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Papaya Noaeging

The many properties of papaya have been known for a long time and tested through countless situations. A key food for its wealth of beneficial and invigorating nutrients for the body , many studies have shown that its use reduces the incidence of some degenerative diseases and also helps to restore the impairments caused by a poorly regulated, hasty diet poor in fresh foods, stress, fatigue, environmental pollution. The dried and fermented form shows a decidedly better quality than the natural fruit.

Combining fermented papaya with other elements with antioxidant power results in facilitating the maintenance of physical fitness, counteracting
aging and loss of psycho/physical energy. Furthermore, producing draining, antithrombotic, antiaggregant effects, it is a valid aid in the prevention of vascular diseases.

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BruciaKal should be taken before meals to promote calorie consumption.

  • Bean extract reduces the assimilation of complex carbohydrates or starches.
  • Chito-R3® has demonstrated an excellent ability to bind fats and promote their elimination through the feces.
  • Tetrapeptide Fat Modulator intervenes in fat metabolism.
  • Gymnema silvestre extract reduces sugar absorption by up to 50%.
  • Chromium picolinate intervenes in the metabolism of sugars and fats.
  • Fennel extract counteracts fermentation phenomena at intestinal level.
  • Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) promote the balance of intestinal bacterial flora.
  • Bioperine ® is able to activate the metabolism.
  • Papaya extract aids in protein digestion.
  • Pineapple extract reduces intestinal bloating.
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